A study commissioned by an independent research group says term limits in Michigan have not met many of the expectations set when voters adopted them 25 years ago.
The study relies in part on interviews since 1992 with 460 legislators. The interviews were conducted by two researchers from Wayne State University.
Eric Lupher of the Citizens Research Council says there are limits to the study. But he says one of the findings is that Michigan has not retired career politicians. He says what’s changed is state lawmakers are more focused now on their next jobs.
“What we’ve found is they’ve become more politically ambitious, and they see their time in the Legislature as a stepping stone.”
Supporters of the term limits amendment say the study misrepresents the promises made about term limits. And they say it’s conclusions are based on faulty data.
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— Rick Pluta is the Managing Editor and Reporter for the Michigan Public Radio network. Contact WEMU News at 734.487.3363 or email us at studio@wemu.org