Spring is a busy time for visual arts activities in Washtenaw County, In this week's Art and Soul, I talk to Omari Rush, director of external relations at the Ann Arbor Art Center, about the latest events coming up in your area involving the visual arts.
The whole month of April features an incredible amount of events featuring the visual arts. Now through April 29th, the Riverside Arts Center in Ypsilanti presents its 13th Annual Docent Exhibition, which features works by the gallery's volunteers. Also, now through April 30th, Ann Arbor's Kerrytown Concert House will display photography by students at Washtenaw Community College. Finally, the University of Michigan's Stamps Gallery is presenting "Close Encounters: The 2017 Stamps Seniors Show," which runs until April 29th.

Coming up on April 24 is the first in a series of "Straight Up" exhibitions at the Alley Bar in Ann Arbor. The first artist to have his work displayed will be Niki Williams, who will be doing graphite pencil drawings at the event.
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— Lisa Barry is the host of All Things Considered on WEMU. You can contact Lisa at 734.487.3363, on Twitter @LisaWEMU, or email her at lbarryma@emich.edu